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Add Your Soldier

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23 comments on Add Your Soldier

  1. My ggggg grandfather, James Wells, was at the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Maramouth. Was wounded at Brandywine. I have his court petition for his pension from 1819. It states that he joined in December of 1776 in Fredricksburg, Virginia. He was in the 14th Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel Charles Lewis and in Captain Edward Garland’s Company.He was enlisted for 3 years and discharged in 1779.
    The battles mentioned were also stated in the petition.
    James Wells was born 1760 in Virginia and died 15 Jun 1841 in Breckenridge County, Kentucky.

  2. I believe William Combs is my 9th Great Grand Father on my mom’s side of the family .William Combs was recruited in early 1776 to the infantry troop under the command of Capt. Billy Washington later to be (Lt. Colonial) and cousin to General George Washington . William Combs also went across the Delaware river with General George Washington x-mas eve 1776 to fight the British He was in the second boat with Capt. Washington . And William Combs died from bullet wound at the Battle of Brandywine in 1780 .

  3. John Russell served Virginia Continental Line, 3rd regiment from
    6 Feb 1776 until discharge at Valley Forge on 6 Feb 1778. He served un der Captain Philip Lee, Colonel George Weedon, and Colonel Thomas Marshall.
    Battle of Long Island, Battle of White Plains, Battle of Brandywine, Germantown and then discharge at Valley Brig Gen William Woodford.
    He applied for pension in Clark County, Indiana in 1820.

  4. John Buzan enlisted in Capt. Andrew Waggoner’s company of the 12th Virginia Line on the 12th of August 1776. He fought in the Battles of Brandywine,Paoli, and Germantown. He was discharged from the service on 10 April 1778 at Valley Forge, PA.

  5. Cadet Samuel Hinson, Peyton’s company 3rd Virginia. He joined in January 1777 and served until Sept. 1778 until he was discharged after having been sick for two months.

  6. Andrew Morrison was my gggg grandfather and served in Captain John Chilton’s company, 3rd Virginia Regiment. He and Captain Chilton were neighbors in Virginia and both were killed at Brandywine.

  7. My 4th great grandfather, Evan Thomas, pension number S17728 in his pension declaration stated:

    ..and during the said service he fought in the battles of White Plains, Harlem Plains on York Island, Germantown, Brandywine, Picataway and various other skirmishes.

    He was in a Rifle Company commanded by Capt. Charles West which became a part of the Third Regiment of Virginia Regular Troops commanded by Colonel Wooden and Major Leach and he left the Army at Valley Forge in the state of Pennsylvania.

  8. W Cone is listed with Granbury’s unit from North Carolina & he dies four days after the battle. I wonder if their are any cemeteries connected to this battle. William Cone was given a Tennessee land grant in Henderson Co.,Tennessee which Benjamin Cone claims in Raleigh,North Carolina.

  9. My 5th great grandfather, John Dempsey, was assigned to the 11th Virginia Regiment and my 6th great grandfather, Peter Cline, was assigned to the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line during the Battle of Brandywine Creek.

  10. My 4th great grandfather, John ARTHURS, b. 1756 in England and died in Bedford County, PA 1848.

    He was a private in the company commanded by Colonel Heath, the Marquis deLaFayette in Virginia for 3 years. He was in the Battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth.

  11. My 4x great grandfather, Reuben Martin, served as a private in the Sussex County, New Jersey militia. He served four six-month enlistments during the fighting seasons of 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. He participated in the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown, and was wounded in the right leg at Germantown. His pension documents detailing this service can be found on the military records website

  12. My 4x great grandfather, William Smith was a Capt. in 1780-1781, 6th Battalion, 5th Company, Lower Darby, PA. He fought at Brandywine. He was also aboard the privateer the “Holkar” and served at Billingsport Fort, N. Jersey in 1782.

  13. According to testimony to a court in Beaufort Co, NC in 1846, two men gave testimony they knew Joel Wall of NC and he had told them he fought with the NC troops at Brandywine and Monmouth. They said he limped from being wounded. Joel also told them he was in New Jersey for several winters. He is listed in the North Carolina military papers as soldier. He was granted 1000 acres for his service after the war. He was born about 1761 and died in 1815.
    This testimony was given to support Joel’s widow, Elizabeth’s claim to a widow’s pension.

  14. Jacob Ringler 1755 – 1821 enlisted in 1777 as a drummer in Capt. John Davis company, 9th Pennsylvania Regiment. He was wounded in action, captured and held prisioner of war by the British at Chadds Ford and was released 17 Mar 1778

  15. My 3rd Great Grandfather Darius Fisher fought with Lafayette at Brandywine, where both were wounded. This was before Lafayette joined General Washington, and while he was on his way to him, becoming mixed up in this battle by the British attack to cut him off.

  16. It has been found by sparse records that these four boys of James & Susannah Jones of New Castle co., Del.,served at Brandywine battle:
    Enoch Jones b. 1750
    Daniel Jones b. 1754
    James Jones b. 1756, Surgeon, 3rd, Penn. Regiment
    Abel Jones b. 1758
    and cousin Rev. Daniel Jones, Chaplain, b. 1736, 3rd Penn. Reg.
    Delaware Biographical, Rev. War records, and books of Genealogy.

  17. My ancestor Hugh Wallace was injured in the Battle of Brandywine. He was a sergeant in the 6th Virginia Regiment under Captain James Johnstone. Hugh Wallace enlisted for the term of two years on the 14th day of February 1776 in Lunenburg County. His petition resolution states:

    “Resolved, that it is the opinion of this committee, That the petition of Hugh Wallace, a serjeant in the sixth
    Virginia regiment, who lost one of his legs in the battle at Brandywine, is reasonable; and that the petitioner ought
    to be allowed the sum of 30l. for his present relief, and a farther allowance of full pay, as a serjeant, during life, and
    that the same ought to be charged in the account of this Commonwealth, against the United States of America.”

    Source: Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia; circa 1777 reprinted in 1827.

  18. My gggg grandfather Japhet Mentzer was in the Battle of Brandywine and he was at Valley Forge. He was born in Southern Germany.

  19. My husbands ggg grandfather was James Benjamin Tasker, he received a pension in 1820 for being in the 10th Virginia Regiment. He lived in Hampshire County, Virginia.(Mineral County,West Virginia)

  20. My ancestor was John Tillis, Private, 3rd Virginia Regiment. Surname was variously spelled Tillis, Tellus and Tullis in different documents over the years. His company was from Prince William County, VA. The captain of the company, Philip Richard Lee was seriously wounded at Brandywine and records indicate that John Tillis was detached some time after the battle to attend him. Lee eventually died of these wounds in January 1778. Tillis enlisted for 2 years service and was discharged at Valley Forge in February 1778. He returned to Virginia and then subsequently moved to Kentucky and finally Ohio, where he spent his remaining days. He was noted as an earlier settler to the area and a founder of the town of Bellefontaine, Ohio. The DAR dedicated a plaque to him there in 1928.

  21. My 5Ggrandad,John Barney, fought with British at
    Brandywine, and was captured there. He signed an
    Oath. He was in New Jersey and moved to Bedford
    County with Hendershot family.

  22. Jacob Hoots (Hutts). Served in the 10th Virginia regiment from January 3, 1777 to the end of the war. He was entered into a hospital around New York in November 1778, but recovered and received land grants in North Carolina for his service.

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