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Category: Germantown

1777. After Howe had occupied Philadelphia, Washington attacked British troops at Germantown. The Americans planned a four pronged attack. The morning was foggy, and American coordination broke down. As a result, the attack failed, and the American troops were forced to withdraw.

Chaison, Jean Baptiste

Am searching for Jean Baptiste Chaison (b. 1745 in Halifax) who accompanied the Marquis de La Fayette to the American colonies during the Revolutionary War.
He fought with General George Washington in several battles, notably Brandywine, Germantown and under Nathaniel Greene at Eutaw Springs. Chaison was also present at Yorktown.

Any information will be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Linda Chesson

Martin, Reuben

Danelle Simonelli said,

on March 4th, 2013 at 1:50 pm

My 4x great grandfather, Reuben Martin, served as a private in the Sussex County, New Jersey militia. He served four six-month enlistments during the fighting seasons of 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. He participated in the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown, and was wounded in the right leg at Germantown. His pension documents detailing this service can be found on the military records website

Arthurs, John

Clare Peden Midgley said,

on February 5th, 2013 at 4:23 pm

My 4th great grandfather, John ARTHURS, b. 1756 in England and died in Bedford County, PA 1848.

He was a private in the company commanded by Colonel Heath, the Marquis deLaFayette in Virginia for 3 years. He was in the Battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth.

Thomas, Evan

Roy Hutchinson said,

on September 24th, 2012 at 7:46 pm

My 4th great grandfather, Evan Thomas, pension number S17728 in his pension declaration stated:

..and during the said service he fought in the battles of White Plains, Harlem Plains on York Island, Germantown, Brandywine, Picataway and various other skirmishes.

He was in a Rifle Company commanded by Capt. Charles West which became a part of the Third Regiment of Virginia Regular Troops commanded by Colonel Wooden and Major Leach and he left the Army at Valley Forge in the state of Pennsylvania.

Buzan, John

Jerry Buzan said,

on July 6th, 2012 at 7:18 am

John Buzan enlisted in Capt. Andrew Waggoner’s company of the 12th Virginia Line on the 12th of August 1776. He fought in the Battles of Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown. He was discharged from the service on 10 April 1778 at Valley Forge, PA.

Russell, John

April Bobbish said,

on June 5th, 2012 at 9:38 am

John Russell served Virginia Continental Line, 3rd regiment from 6 Feb 1776 until discharge at Valley Forge on 6 Feb 1778. He served under Captain Philip Lee, Colonel George Weedon, and Colonel Thomas Marshall.
Battle of Long Island, Battle of White Plains, Battle of Brandywine, Germantown and then discharge at Valley Brig Gen William Woodford.
He applied for pension in Clark County, Indiana in 1820.

Davis, Walter

Walter and his wife moved from Virginia to Ohio. He is honored there, in Jackson Co., Ohio, as Revolutionary War soldier.

My 5th great-grandfather, Walter Davis, fought in the Rev. War. I have all his war records and pension records.

Private WALTER DAVIS enlisted December 10, 1776 in the 10th Continental Regiment which was part of the 3rd Brigade’ (He was born in Virginia in 1754)

Jan- Dec 1777 He was with Captain Thomas West’s 10th Continental Virginia under Col. Edward Stevens

The 10th fought as part of Weedon’s 3rd Brigade under Nathaniel Greene’s division of Left Wing Continentals.

They fought in the Battle of Brandywine (just west of Philadelphia) on September 11, 1777 and also in the Battle of Germantown (just north of Philadelphia) on October 4, 1777.

Jan- March 1778 He was with Captain Thomas Wests’ 10th Virginia under Major Samuel Hawes

June 1778 He was with Captain Thomas West’s 10th Virginia under Captain John Green at Valley Forge

July- Sept 1778 He was with 10th Virginia at White Plains, NY. Sick in September

October 1778 He was with Captain James Williams 6th Virginia under Col. William Russell

Nov -Dec 1778 He was still with 6th Virginia under James Williams

On June 28th, 1778 George Washington and his army attacked British forces at Monmouth, New Jersey. Weedon’s Brigade fought as one of the 14 brigades in the main Army. After the Battle of Monmouth they moved on to White Plains, NY. where the 10th Virginia became part of the 6th Virginia on September 28, 1778.

Jan-March1779 He was with Captain James Williams 6th Virginia commanded by Col. John Greene at Camp Middlebrook

On 30 day furlough until April then transferred to a different unit.

April 1779 He was with Lt. Thomas Pearson’s 6th Virginia, commanded by Col. John Greene at Camp Middlebrook

May – Sept 1779 He re-enlisted for duration of the War. Now with Captain Nathan Lamme’s 6th Virginia – commanded by Col. John Greene at Smith’s Clove . Sick at Middlebrooke May to June

Oct-Nov 1779 Lamme’s 6th Virginia – Camp Haverstraw

December 1779 Lamme’s 6th Virginia, – Camp Morristown, NJ

-Betty Larsen Berentson

Polk, William

There were several NC Regiments as part of the NC Continental Troops at Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge.

Here’s a history of one member of the 9th NC Regiment, William Polk:

William Polk was a major in the 9th Regiment, North Carolina Line, one of the regiments engaged in the Battle of Brandywine that month (Sept. 1777) and afterward in the Battle of Germantown, where he was seriously wounded. He and his regiment were with Washington at Valley Forge, following which the North Carolina regiments, weakened from illness and expiring enlistments, were reduced in number from ten to three, and William Polk was rendered a supernumerary office.


“The Papers of Archibald D. Murphy” William Henry Hoyt (editor), North Carolina Historical Commission, Raleigh, 1914, vol II, pp. 400-410. (“… containing William Polk’s autobiographical reference to being in both the Battle of Brandywine and the Battle of Germantown, where he was wounded.

One of my g-g-g-g-uncles Thomas Francisco was a Private in the 9th NC. He died in the spring of 1778 from sickness contracted at Valley Forge.\

Paul Sisco

Wells, James

Jesse Bates said,

on April 11th, 2012 at 5:50 am

My ggggg grandfather, James Wells, was at the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Maramouth. Was wounded at Brandywine. I have his court petition for his pension from 1819. It states that he joined in December of 1776 in Fredricksburg, Virginia. He was in the 14th Virginia Regiment, commanded by Colonel Charles Lewis and in Captain Edward Garland’s Company. He was enlisted for 3 years and discharged in 1779. The battles mentioned were also stated in the petition. James Wells was born 1760 in Virginia and died 15 Jun 1841 in Breckenridge County, Kentucky.

Crookshanks, John

A long time ago I obtained a copy of the military records of John Crookshanks for his time of service during the Revolutionary War. Thought you would enjoy knowing that he spent the winter with Washington at Valley Forge. He was in the battles of Georgetown, Germantown, Brandywine, participated in the Christmas attack which routed the Hessens, then marched on up to White Plains, NY before heading south to North Carolina where he was wounded during the battle for Guilford Courthouse (now Greensboro). The wound left him crippled in the knee, a token of sacrifice shared by many who have given so much.

John Crookshanks Revolutionary War Muster Roll
John Crookshanks Revolutionary War Muster Roll

Submitted by Ron Cruikshank

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