A long time ago I obtained a copy of the military records of John Crookshanks for his time of service during the Revolutionary War. Thought you would enjoy knowing that he spent the winter with Washington at Valley Forge. He was in the battles of Georgetown, Germantown, Brandywine, participated in the Christmas attack which routed the Hessens, then marched on up to White Plains, NY before heading south to North Carolina where he was wounded during the battle for Guilford Courthouse (now Greensboro). The wound left him crippled in the knee, a token of sacrifice shared by many who have given so much.

Submitted by Ron Cruikshank
This is wonderful. John Crookshanks is my direct ancestor. I’m already a member of the DAR through another Patriot Ancestor, and am happy to see that John’s service is well remembered. Thanks so much for posting this.