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Category: T

Tillis, John

My ancestor was John Tillis, Private, 3rd Virginia Regiment. Surname was variously spelled Tillis, Tellus and Tullis in different documents over the years. His company was from Prince William County, VA. The captain of the company, Philip Richard Lee was seriously wounded at Brandywine and records indicate that John Tillis was detached some time after the battle to attend him. Lee eventually died of these wounds in January 1778. Tillis enlisted for 2 years service and was discharged at Valley Forge in February 1778. He returned to Virginia and then subsequently moved to Kentucky and finally Ohio, where he spent his remaining days. He was noted as an earlier settler to the area and a founder of the town of Bellefontaine, Ohio. The DAR dedicated a plaque to him there in 1928.

Tasker, James Benjamin

Julie Baker said,

on March 20th, 2018 at 5:31 pm

My husbands ggg grandfather was James Benjamin Tasker, he received a pension in 1820 for being in the 10th Virginia Regiment. He lived in Hampshire County, Virginia. (Mineral County, West Virginia)