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Category: Stoney Point

July 15, 1779. In their first northward action since the surrender at Saratoga, the British captured the American fort at Stony Point. Under the direction of General Washington, the Americans recaptured the fort, suffering only minimal casualties.

Sexton, Archibald

John Sexton of Virginia when filing for his dead brother Archibald Sexton who died at Brandywine states that he was part of general Anthony Wayne’s troops at Stony Point. John was at Valley Forge, Germantown, Brandywine, and Princeton. He later fought at the battle of Guilford Court house with North Carolina militia.

Ray Williams

Mitchell, Mark

MITCHEL(L),MARK was a private in the 10th Regiment of the Virginia Continental Line. He fought in the battle of Brandywine as well as in the battle of Monmouth and others and was with General Anthony Wayne at the storming of Stony Point. He was married to Mary Ryder in March of 1787 after his discharge and moved to Tennessee. He was my 4g-grandpa. I just returned from Tennessee where I was finally able to visit his gravesite. How I wish he could have come up, sat down, and talked for a spell.

Janet MITCHELL Aikin

Hooper, Obediah

“Obediah Hooper, Jr. b. 12.15.1755 in Hanover, Lunenburg Co., VA was in the Battle of Brandywine. He heard the Declaration of Independence when it was first read by Jefferson. He fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and at Trenton. He crossed the Delaware with Washington to attack the British and Hessians at Princeton. He was at the storming of Stony Point; and he was at Gates defeat.”

This information was taken from a record done by Richard and Sharon Hooper at

Mary Bow

Agens (Ragen), James

James Agens, my great, great, great, great grandfather, fought at Brandywine in the 4th Maryland Regiment.  His name was James Agens, although he served in the 4th Maryland under the name James Ragan.  He was a colorful character.  Born around 1751, he was apprenticed to a weaver in Edinburgh, Scotland at a young age, ran away at 14 and either enlisted or was “pressed” into the British Army, was sent to Boston with his regiment at the start of the Revolution, deserted, and joined the Americans.  He seems to have been completely illiterate, and signed his 1818 and 1820 pension declarations with an “X”.  He indicated that he enlisted in the 4th Maryland as James Ragens (actually Ragan, as noted above) to avoid confusion with other men who had similar names.  He served December 17, 1776 – December 16, 1779 with the 4th, and later served with the 5th New York Regiment under his own name (also spelled Agin, Agins, Aggins, Agan, Aggans, and Agent at various times).  In addition to Brandywine, he served at Germantown, Monmouth, Stony Point, a battle near Fort Stanwix, and the Yorktown campaign.  He was wounded by a musket ball at Monmouth and a bayonet at Stony Point.

Don Johnston
Relationship: My great, great, great, great grandfather

Bowerman, Peter

My ancestor, Peter Bowerman, served from Jan 1776-1780 in the 2nd PA Bttn/3rd PA Regiment, which fought at Brandywine and Germantown, and was at Valley Forge. His pension application simply says that after they came back from Canada in the spring of 1777, he “marched around to several places not remembered”, until he participated in Gen’l Anthony Wayne’s attack on Stoney Point in July, 1779. The muster and payrolls I have for him don’t include these places: they only verify his time in Canada in 1776 and his service in the Commander-in Chief’s Guards in 1780. He is also on the “Valley Forge Muster Roll” website, though they couldn’t tell me what records they used to list him there. I don’t know what your criteria are for including someone on your site, but if we can assume he was with his Regiment during the time he wasn’t in Wayne’s Light Infantry in 1779, then he was at Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge, as well as at Stoney Point.
Thanks for your work–
Dorothy Fleischhauer