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Category: 9th Pennsylvania Regiment

Ringler, Jacob

Richard Ringler said,

on June 22nd, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Jacob Ringler 1755 – 1821 enlisted in 1777 as a drummer in Capt. John Davis company, 9th Pennsylvania Regiment. He was wounded in action, captured and held prisoner of war by the British at Chadds Ford and was released 17 Mar 1778.

Koch, Adam

Need info on Adam Koch, Jr. (may have been listed as Johann Adam Koch, Jr.) Served in the 9th PA. Regiment, Capt. McCLelland, Col. Nagle. Understand Adam was shot in the face with a musket ball.

Judy Hetherington

Coleman, Nicholas

From Philadelphia, commissioned November 15, 1776 in the 9th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line as 1st Lieut.; discharged August 27, 1778, remark “Left out of the new Arrangement.” He received two hundred acres of bounty land in Muskingum County, Ohio. Most of Nicholas’ war records evidently were burned by the British during the War of 1812. According to “Biographical and Portait Cyclopedia of Montgomery County Pennsylvania” he served in Proctor’s Artillery and was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine. I have not been able to find an original source to prove the parentage of his son Nicholas Coleman, born in 1801.

Biographical and Portait Cyclopedia of Montgomery County Pennsylvania

Dorothy Coleman Dangerfield