He first appears on a a Muster Roll for June 1777, dated July 10; the roster itself may give his enlistment date. He was in Capt. James Gray’s Company.
The battle of Brandywine was Sept. 11, 1777. He was not killed in battle, but it is possible he was wounded there.
A Muster roll dated 4 Oct 1777 states he was ‘absent sick’. The Muster Roll for Sept. 1777, dated Oct. 14 states he was ‘sick in hospital’. The Pay Rolls for Sept. and Oct. 1777 have no special notations according to the Compiled Service Record but you’d have to look at the actual rolls; he was paid for each month.
The Pay Roll for Nov. 1777 states under ‘casualties’ that he “died, time unknown”. A roll dated 22 Dec 1777 for November 1777 states he was ‘dead’, and had enlisted for 3 years.
SOURCE: http://genforum.genealogy.com/americanrev/messages/16180.html
I have the same info but one of the copies of records I received from US archives list him as casualty. This imdicates that he may have been wounded but it also could mean that he was a casualty as a result of diarrhea which is understood to have been a very serious problem during the war for independence.
Also I need to know if there is any record of where he was buried.
If there is I would like to try to visit his grave. I am 85 years of age but still try to travel for the purpose of family information. Thank you.