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Marckel, Charles

General of the Continental Army. — listed on my geneaology as direct descendant on my Grand-mother’s side. Her gift of family tree to me included 2 page (although incomplete) article on General Marckel. This article, I’m afraid, is not currently in my possession. But from my memory I recall that the Battle of Brandywine was the only mention of his service in the Continental Army during the revolution. It did not mention any other engagements or units with which he served. I was wondering if any other sources of info on this person have been submitted or are available. But i do think this is the ? , Marckle General , currently listed under the Continental Army listing. I would like to find out more details on his service , including units he served with, and other possible engagements he was involved in. My family tree and article on General Charles Marckel is currently in storage, and when retrieved, if it sheds any more light on his service, I will promptly submit the info.

Douglas Martin

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