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Richards, Samuel

Sergeant in Col. Oliver Spencer’s Regiment (the “Jersey Brigade”) under General Maxwell. Born in Columbia, Morris County, N.J., husband of Jemima (nee Genung), who appeared in court in 1783 to apply for a portion of his pay, with supporting documents signed by Spencer and Captain David Lyon attesting that Richards was killed at Brandywine on September 11, 1777, aged about 22. He also left an infant son, David, who later applied for, and received, bounty land warrants from the War Department in 1798. According to the National Archives, the supporting documents for this application were lost in the War Dept fire of Nov. 11, 1800. Submitted by Carl S. Richards, great-great-great-great-grandson.

Carl S. Richards

1 comment on Richards, Samuel

  1. I, too, am directly descended from Samuel Richards. He was my gggg grandfather. The Bounty Land warrants S8678 & 14151 were issued to his son and heir, David. Would anyone know if there is more information related to these documents? Or have they, too, been destroyed?

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