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Of the 29,000 estimated British and American forces that clashed at Brandywine, only a small number are known to us. Here you can locate them by last name, sorted alphabetically.

McClelland, Cary

Cary McClelland served with Col Walter Stewart at Brandywine. Here is the text of his pension application.

State of Ohio, Knox County: On this 31st day of May AD 1834 personally appeared in open court, before the judges of the court of common pleas of Knox County now sitting, Cary McClelland, a resident of Pleasant Township in the County of Knox and state of Ohio aged 80 years on the fifteenth of March last, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832, that he enlisted in the army of the United States sometime in April, 1776, with Seargent Major Marshall, Seargent Major Nelson was a person, taken at St Johns, and put the regiment that claimant was in through their exercise the first time, after their rendivous at Marshy Sook by the request of Colonel Stuart. Claimant served in (the members of regiment not recollected) but was called Col Stuart regiment or the Pennsylvania Riflement and (as claimant thinks) of the Pennsylvania line, under the following named officers. To wit Col Walter Stuart and Captain John Marshal, Lieut. (names not recollected at this time, thinks only) Ensign Spears, claimant resided when he entered the service within five miles of Bushtown in Harford County, Maryland. Entered at the Trap Tavern the day before they rendivouzed the company that claimant was in. Drawed their capes and hunting shirts at Lancaster, Penna. Cape and the shirts was marked P. Rendivoused at Marshy Sooks. From there we marched to Lewistown to subdue a set of Tories. Then to the best of his recollection came back and built Red Bank Fort. Then to Philadelphia. Thence across the state of New Jersey to Long Island and won the battle of that place. They arrived on Long Island about 8 days before the battle commenced.
Early in the morning we were completely surrounded by the British and were ordered to break through British ranks which we did at the loss (as was supposed at that time) of about —- men. We took fifteen prisoners and reached a fort on Long Island between the battleground and New York where we staid one night. The next night we crossed the East River over to New York where we remained about three weeks. While we remained at New York the Roe Buck, a British man-of-war—–passed up the North River to make observations on the state of the American army. From New York we marched to the battle of White Plains, which declarant was in. Then up the North River to Dobbs Ferry where we crossed the North River. Then on the Jersey side to Brunswick, then to Princeton, and from there to Trenton. Followed up by the British who placed the Hessians at Trenton. We crossed the River at Trenton and marched (9 miles) up to McCastles Ferry. The night before Christmas, Washington recrossed the Delaware River, marched to Trenton, and took the Hessians stationed there on Christmas Day. After taking the Hessians we marched back to McCastles Ferry, our encamping ground, where we laid about eight days, then crossed the Delaware River and marched into Trenton again. While we were there, the British came up with a large army. We staid in town til they came in sight of town, and the British took possession of Trenton in the dusk of the evening. Washington gave orders to every man to build a fire about two yards apart, and while the fires were burning Washington marched us around the enemy and onto Princeton which the British had left the day before.
The British had left a guard at Princeton over the baggage.
Delcarant heard G Washington tell Gen ______ to detach a body of men and go and attack the guard. Declarant was one of the detachment. In the first of the engagements Gen _______ had the hoof shot off his horse with a three pounder and was himself wounded in the groin and fell. After that we had to push bayonets at the right and left wings and Gen
M_____ was stabbed seven times with bayonets. When we retreated a little distance, and was relieved by Gen Washington with a reinforcement. The British guard then surrendered and we took all the baggage. Gen Mer____ survived this action but a short time. From here we marched towards the British headquarters at Brunswick. Left behind eight men falling trees across the road and pulling up bridges to keep back the British. Washington took the Morristown Road and the British went on to Brunswick.
Laid at Morristown, Chatham and other parts of New Jersey all the spring and for most of the summer. Gen Stephen was commander at Chatham. Skirmishing was the most that took place at this time, on until the battle of Brandywine which declarant was in. Marched to Chads Ferry to meet the British were it was expected they would cross but they went up the stream about three miles. Washington marched his army up in brigades to resist their crossing. The contest continued the remainder of the day.

The PR regiment arrived about 2 hours Sun, and fought on until dark. Washington marched his army off that night and the next day marched to Philadelphia. Thence to Valley Forge. Gen Washington marched in the evening to Germantown where we had a battle. Early on the ensuing morning our _____ we attacked the British and beat them back to the middle of town, when unfavorable circumstances _____a confusion in our ranks. The British got round us and we were compelled to retreat back to Valley Forge. Where claimant remained some time when his term of one yar and nine months enlistment expired. Declarant received a written discharge from Capt Marshall and Col Stuart which he has lost.

Declarant was born in Ireland on the 15 of March AD 1753 had no record of his age. He was living within five miles of Buckstown, Harford County, Maryland, when he entered into the service of the United States.

After the Revolution declarant moved to Pennsylvania where he lived about fifty years and moved from there to his present residence. Declarant hereby relinquished every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declared that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state. Sworn to and subscribed this day and year aforesaid.

Tom Miller

McCarty, Justin

Justin McCarty [born 1757, month, day & place unknown] enlisted for one year and nine months in 1776 in Pennsylvania. Enlistment township, exact month, day and regiment unknown. At the time of Justin’s enlistment, his place of residence is unknown. It is documented in Washington County Kentucky history that Justin fought in the Battles of Brandywine and Long Island. Justin continued to serve in the military till 1781, at which time he was discharged at Fells Point, Baltimore, Maryland. No military record for this Justin McCarty of Washington County Kentucky has been found to date, 9/4/2003. Springfield, Kentucky court records show Justin hired an attorney, Thomas P. Moore, February 1824, to: “for and in my name to collect and receive my claim or claims due from the general government to me as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War for services rendered.” A claim being filed or any document showing Justin ever received a pension has not been found to date 9/4/2003. He had a wife [Mary] and nine children, Mary, Milburn, Thomas S., William, Joseph, Sarah, James, Jane, and Samuel H. Justin died August 1825 in Washington Co. Ky. We’re still searching for information on Justin’s military records, parents and siblings. Justin is my 4th Great-Grandfather.

Judy Bailey

Marckel, Charles

General of the Continental Army. — listed on my geneaology as direct descendant on my Grand-mother’s side. Her gift of family tree to me included 2 page (although incomplete) article on General Marckel. This article, I’m afraid, is not currently in my possession. But from my memory I recall that the Battle of Brandywine was the only mention of his service in the Continental Army during the revolution. It did not mention any other engagements or units with which he served. I was wondering if any other sources of info on this person have been submitted or are available. But i do think this is the ? , Marckle General , currently listed under the Continental Army listing. I would like to find out more details on his service , including units he served with, and other possible engagements he was involved in. My family tree and article on General Charles Marckel is currently in storage, and when retrieved, if it sheds any more light on his service, I will promptly submit the info.

Douglas Martin

Lowry, Alexander

I am a descendant of Col. Alexander Lowry, Lancaster PA Militia, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade under General James Irvine and served under Armstrong. I am attaching some indication of his service.
The Pennsylvania Milita in 1777 by Hannah Benner Roach, Reprinted from The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Volume XXIII, Number 3, 1964.
Page 183, Field Officers, Lancaster County Battalions, Third Battalion: Col. Alexander Lowry; Lt. Col. James Cunningham; Major Jacob Cooke
Page 184, Return of 3rd Class, Lancaster County, Commanded by Colonel Alexander Lowry at Chester, 28 August 1777
Page 186, General Return of Pennsylvania Militia at Wilmington, 1 September 1777, Lancaster, Col. Alexander Lowry, 116 Fit, 141 Total [3rd Class], 4 Capts, 7lts., 10 sick, 15 on command, 2 deserters [to 2nd Brigade], (served under Armstrong).
Page 188, Return of Pennsylvania Militia, 6 September 1777, Irvine’s Brigade, Lancaster, Col. Lowry, 90 Fit, 175 Total, [3rd Class], 4 capts., 7 lts., 12 sick, 69 on command, 2 deserters
Pages 195-196, Return of Second Brigade under General James Irvine, Encamped near Trap, Providence Twp., 29 September 1777, Lancaster, Col. Lowry, 124 Fit, 169 Total, [3rd Class], 4 capts., 8 lts., 13 sick, 9 on command, 14 deserters
Page 198, Return of Second Brigade under General James Irvine, Trappe, 1 October 1777, Lancaster, Col. Lowry, 112 Fit, 134 Total, [3rd Class], 3 capts., 7 lts., 13 sick, 7 on command, 2 deserters, 1 lt. col. and 1 capt. on furlough.


Lovett, James Joseph

I have pension records that my 5th Great Grandfather fought at the Battle of Brandywine. His name James Joseph Lovett. Born in England 1753. Recieved a ball in his hip during the war and was therefore entitled to the pension. It is very late and I don’t have that information at my finger tips. But if this is for real and you would like to know more please contact me and I will give you the information that has been researched by my family members.

Gayle Lovette

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