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Category: Virginia Units

Emery, George

George Emery or Emrey was my gggggrandfather and according to family history was at the Battle of Brandywine, stationed, at his own request, as a private at Chad’s Ford on Brandywine. He joined the 2nd Virginia regiment of Continentals as Quartermaster in March or April of 1777. Was in the battle of Germantown. Wintered at Valley Forge and was in the Carolinas and Georgia. Still needs some research.

Kathryn Howard

Brockman, Thomas

Pvt. Thomas Brockman of Albemarle County, Virginia, served under Capt. Marks in the 14th (later renamed the 10th) Virginia Infantry Regiment in the Continental Line at Brandywine. Pvt. Brockman served in the unit from 1776 to 1779, when he was discharged, returned home, and married a neighbor Frances Shelton. He moved to Kentucky ca. 1783, and served as an officer in the Madison County, KY, Militia under Governor Garrard in the 1790s. He later moved to Montgomery Co, Illinois, to live with his grandson Samuel, and died there in 1838. He is listed as Thomas Breckman in the book Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois.

Paul R. Brockman
Relationship: his great-great-great-great grandson

Barrett, Edward

EDWARD BARRETT was a Private in Captain Andrew Wallace’s Company, 12th Virginia Regiment (Col. James Wood), 4th Virginia Brigade (Brigadier General Charles Scott), 2nd Division (Major General Adam Stephen), Continental Army. EDWARD BARRETT came to America from Ireland in 1750 at the age of 10 or 11, so he would have been about 36 years old when he enlisted 10 October 1776 for two years. On December 28th, 1786, after the war, he received from the State of Virginia a certificate for L33, 6s, 7d as a balance of full pay. Five of his descendants in my direct line have been named after him, with my son being number 4 of “4 in a row.”

Ed Barrett
Relationship: 4th Great Grandfather

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